Monday, November 21, 2011

Exterior Progress

Martin has been slaving away on his own up in Prescott. The front and back ends of our crown canned ham have skin again. We are reusing the old skin for character rather than putting new undented panels on. Martin removed the roof panels so he could insulate the roof. Its coming together. He was hammering away on the aluminum trim yesterday. All of that dented trim....

Roof panels off, insulating the front end

Roof panels off

New insulation

canned ham rear end has been reskinned

Front end has been reskinned

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Interior 99%

There are just a few finishing touches and then the interior is complete.
Doesn't it look gorgeous? Martin just needs to paint the ice box, add the electrical panel and the gas line to be done.

Martin posed a can of stella, since its my favorite (camping) beer

The original vinyl cushions, although martin found a flowery linen fabric under the vinyl which we think is really the original covering

Polished countertop

There is still some major exterior work that needs to be finished to make Kaiser road ready.